Mammograms Save Lives

Avril Dalziel Saunders (2012)

Health   Non-fiction

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in March 2011. I have written my story to raise awareness and encourage every woman between the ages of 50 and 70 to go along for a mammogram. In the UK, the NHS offers this service free to women every three years.
Thanks to the advanced technology of a mammogram, my tumour was caught in the very early stages.

About this book

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in March 201. It was after a mammogram that I was called back to receive the devastating news that I had breast cancer. I felt well, had no symptoms, have never smoked, eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly so how could this be? There was no explanation, it can happen to anyone!
Before I knew it, I had surgery to remove the lump followed by radiotherapy. Thanks to the advanced technology of a mammogram, my tumour was caught in the very early stages. I count myself very lucky indeed. 2011 was a very difficult year for our family but now we are looking forward to making up for valuable lost time and enjoying life to the full.
I have written my story in order to raise awareness and encourage every woman between the ages of 50 and 70 to go along for a mammogram. I am so appreciative to the NHS for providing this service. In the UK, the NHS offers this service free to women every three years but sadly 25% do not attend.
I am shouting this out loud…..Mammograms Save Lives!!!

About Author

Avril Dalziel Saunders

A Scottish born author whose first novel was about a family in 1960s Glasgow has penned a sequel in which they all move to Addlestone. They say ‘stick to what you know’ and that is exactly what Scottish born author Avril Dalziel Saunders did when penning her latest book. The 60 year old wrote her first novel, based on a family in 1960s Glasgow, five years ago and after pressure from fans who wanted to find out what happened to the characters she decided to write a sequel which saw the family in the book move to Addlestone. ‘Chasin that Carrot’ has now been published, and was released on October 31. Avril, who moved to New Haw in 1971, said: “When I wrote the first book, I always said that I would never write another one, because I’d already achieved what I wanted to achieve. “But I had letters from all over the world, including from Canada, America, Australia and South Africa, asking me what happened next, and asking me to write another book. “But the problem I had was that the first book was based [...]

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