The discovery of the body of a petty criminal one winter’s night in 2011, in a quiet Yorkshire hamlet, sets in train a series of events which stretches Inspector Walter Moat’s capabilities to the utmost. His wily opponent, as he eventually discovers, is an elusive master-criminal called Lomax.
Fancy a twenty-first-century murder linked to an eighteenth-century parish register? - with a stroll through the byways of ancient Middle Eastern languages, a piece of eighteenth-century silver, a spot of genealogy and trips to France, Italy and Austria thrown in? Then this is the book for you!
The discovery of the body of a petty criminal one winter’s night in 2011, in a quiet Yorkshire hamlet, sets in train a series of events which stretches Inspector Walter Moat’s capabilities to the utmost. His wily opponent, as he eventually discovers, is an elusive master-criminal called Lomax, who weaves a devious and ruthless path to achieve his goals. Moat and his sergeant find themselves attempting to nail a crook intent on thwarting the resolve of a friendless waif.
Follow the inspector in an intricate and baffling investigation in which only a brainwave saves his reputation. Allow Mr Falconer to lead you by the hand (or possibly by the nose) until, it may be, the light dawns on you before it dawns on the inspector.
Gracious English, dry wit, learned asides, well-researched background – all the Falconer hallmarks are here.
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