The discovery of the body of a petty criminal one winter’s night in 2011, in a quiet Yorkshire hamlet, sets in train a series of events which stretches Inspector Walter Moat’s capabilities to the utmost. His wily opponent, as he eventually discovers, is an elusive master-criminal called Lomax.
The peaceful estate of Wichenford Court, in deepest Worcestershire, is convulsed by a bizarre murder which mirrors a murder committed on exactly the same spot in 1791. Inspector Wickfield undertakes an investigation in which the killer’s tracks are covered so successfully that the case is in danger of remaining unsolved.
Commemorating 70 years after the end of WW2 hostilities. A vivid insight, through a fascinating mixture of history, reminiscence and fiction, into life during World War 2 (WWII).
Inspector Wickfield and Sergeant Hewitt find themselves caught up in a saga of murder, illicit money-making and racist thuggery as a young girl’s body is found one morning on the banks of a canal.