Step Out of Your Comfort-Zone

December 29, 2020

What makes you uncomfortable is the only way to grow. Only by discomfort do you continually grow. What dictates the size of a goldfish is its environment. When a goldfish lives in a fish-bowl it is in a safe comfortable...

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Build your mind

June 08, 2020

Reading is one of the soundest investments you can make in yourself. Soak-up-facts method of education is not what we are talking about. Real education is that which develops and cultivates the mind. Anything which improves thinking ability is good...

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A real life-transforming habit

April 27, 2020

Reading is life-transforming and can help us achieve our full potential and lead a richer life. Reading can transform your life because the more you read, the more you know. The more you read, the more you can imagine. The...

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