This is a complete two-part story of sixteen year-old Peter who enters a strange world and straight away is involved in a fast-moving adventure to free the Land from rising evil and darkness. Book One is complete in itself, but Book Two continues the story, when Peter is aware of a new deception and is caught up in a quest to find the Golden City.
This is a complete two-part story of sixteen year-old Peter who enters a
strange world and virtually straight away is involved in a fast-moving
adventure to free the Land from increasing evil and darkness. Book One
is complete in itself, but Book Two continues the story, when Peter is
aware of a new deception and is caught up in a quest to find the Golden
City, the route to which has been hitherto unachievable. He approaches
the varied problems, not by overcoming them through force, but by the
principal of non-violence which he learns with increasing depth from
the great personages he meets in the Land.
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