This book is for those who have questions and need answers, it was initiated because of a question; “Does God desire perfect health for all? If He does, why are some healed and others not healed?” The subject of these pages will always be poignantly up-to-date because sickness is a fact of life, and God’s word is where our faith must be anchored.
This book brings clarity to many pertinent questions on healing; it is balanced, full of practical relevance and spiritual depth. The mix between theological arguments and spiritual truth is striking. It is not the typical, sometimes shallow Pentecostal expose but provides historical, biblical and practical perspectives that leave the title of the book fair and representative. ‘The Wholesome Truth about Healing’ is an excellent writ; worth every page it is written on and comes highly recommend to every Christian.
Dr Albert Odulele
Senior Pastor
Glory House Churches, International
“This is a powerful book in an age where secularism, humanism and pluralism are invading the Church and its teachings; it is refreshing to have a prophetic voice bring us back to basics. This volume is academic, intellectual, informative but inspirational all at the same time. Its pages drip with depth and insight gleaned from years of learning and empirical study. This message of healing needs to be heard by every hearing ear and yearning heart.”
Dr Jonathan Oloyede
Borough Dean – Newham
Churches Together in England
The “Wholesome truth about healing” is indeed a complete and systematic presentation of biblical truths that uphold our heritage of healing. The author has capably proffered scripturally sound answers to several age-long questions that believers have asked. Scholarly excellence is exuded throughout the book. Christians of all theological persuasions would definitely find it most helpful. The book is essential reading for pastors, leaders, counsellors, bible scholars and Christians alike.
Mr Richard Oyin-Adeniji
Project Coordinator
Basic Trust International
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