Death by aloe-seed is a light-hearted detective novel, set in an eighteenth-century Yorkshire village and featuring the hapless vicar saddled with a mind-boggling murder inquiry dumped on him by the less than capable officers of the law.
First published in New York in 2009 for the Darwin bicentenary, as many Americans reject the theory of evolution, despite convincing new evidence, especially molecular evidence, since Darwin.
Compelling witness to the harmonious relations between science and religion is in the lives of scientists who are also Christians. Henry Disney is both.
A boy is born into a 17th century town beset by war, his struggle to look after his family becomes inevitably perilous. The relative peace that followed offered little stability for those who would endeavour to better their life. But in these times, ambition embroiled the best of intentions into the scheming of others. His battle is our history.
The book is a personal account of my tours of Ireland. I compare the country I see to that which H.V. Morton describes in his ‘In Search of Ireland’ written eighty years ago. It is more than a travelogue, it tells of a country in desperate poverty, the fight for independence, its resurgence into prosperity and the looming fear of the new economic crisis.
A mountain biking vacation in Mexico goes awry when vacationers and their two guides stumble into a massacre between rebel forces and militia over drugs and antique gold coins. The race for survival is on, the group is forced to deal with greed and betrayal, while being hunted by determined criminals who will stop at nothing to recover their loot.
This book has been written as a ‘users guide’ to the end times so that the reader can understand from the Bible the events leading up to the return of Christ in order that they may, when they ‘see all these things, recognise that He is near, right at the door’.
Over a century ago a series of mutilation murders took place in a squalid district of Victorian London. Five women fell victim. The newspapers of the day gave him a chilling nickname - Jack the Ripper. From the long list of candidates the author reveals his prime suspect for the role of the world’s most infamous serial killer.
The Kingdom of God is the most important and fundamental doctrine in the Christian faith; everything else hangs off this truth and, unless we grasp this, we will miss the whole point of our faith. The hope of the author is that the reader will get hold of this same understanding and apply its implications to their own world.
‘Full Marks’ tracks the fortunes of one of the Metropolitan Police’s finest officers as he tries to clear his name. A raft of accusations, laid before the IPPC, threatens to undermine his career. Powerful forces, ranged on either side of the investigation, are set to determine the course of DCI Dennis Marks’ professional and personal life.