Many a man's reputation would not know his character if they met on the street. (Elbert Hubbard) I heard the story of a rock-band called Van Halen. It is said that they would make outrageous demands when they were touring....
Continue ReadingPeople often ask how successful people stay motivated month-in-month-out, year-in-year-out. The answer is: they don't. Zig Ziglar put it aptly. ‘People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing - that's why we recommend it daily.' Never wait...
Continue ReadingWhen you have a dozen different things to do, pick the most important one and stick with it until it's complete. Then pick the second most important and do the same thing, until you're done. The quickest way to do...
Continue ReadingYour future is dependent upon your personal growth. Improving yourself consistently; little by little every day guarantees you a future filled with possibilities. When you expand yourself by your daily growth habit: reading, exercising, meditating etc. you expand your horizons,...
Continue ReadingHave you heard the popular riddle about five friendly frogs sitting on a log? Four of the five decided to jump off into the pond below. How many are left? Still five. The moral: there's a lot of difference between...
Continue ReadingWhen he was diagnosed with ADHD as a child, his kindergarten teacher told his mother, Michael can't sit still. He can't be quiet, he's not gifted. Your son will never be able to focus on anything. Yet Michael Fred Phelps...
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